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Birkenhead 1888-1988

What have we to show for 100 years?

Quite a lot you will say

Industry, commerce, social life

The rush and hassle of the modern day.

But my memory goes back to other times

When life was easy and slow

We lived in a world of our own

We were just beginning to grow.

Clay roads, metal roads

Horse buses, wagons and traps

Ferry boats came to Birkenhead

And sugar workers always wore caps.

Grocer, butcher and baker -

All brought goods to our door

Old Mr Wong with his vege cart

And the man with fresh fish galore.

Sunday School anniversaries and concerts

Filled our social life

We played, we worked and lived together

There was no crime or strife.

World War 1. passed - we were much the same

World War 2. was when the changes came.

Transport was easy, we had a Harbour bridge

Our borough grew into a City

We must be progressive

We must move with the times

But for me Birkenhead brings back memories

Which will EVER be in my mind.

- Alice O'Callahan 1988


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